Happy first day of fall! While I am a summer-lover to my core, my birthday, football, and cozy desserts definitely get me excited for the...
Sweet and syrup-y filling + crunchy and nutty topping + smooth and creamy ice cream to top it all off, what's not to love about...
Refreshing + light flavor combination, perfectly balanced with creamy + decadent filling, all the while made entirely plant-based!...
Sweet and syrup-y filling + crunchy and nutty topping + smooth and creamy ice cream to top it all off, what's not to love about...
These vegan, gluten-free, protein + superfood waffles will become your new go-to for breakfast, snacks, or a sweet treat after dinner! Perfect for a Sunday...
Soft, delicate center, with a crisp, sweet, nutty topping make these muffins the perfect dessert or grab-n-go snack. Plus, they're naturally sweetened and bursting with...
Vegan Caramel Pecan Bars are going to change your life! They're sweet, salty, buttery, nutty, crunchy, and simultaneously soft. With this recipe I have created...